I know. This one is out of order. I'm new to this blogging thing.
I had an ultrasound today. See below. Baby #2. Peanut, has a heartbeat. Relief. 7 weeks.
Anselm texts me, "Don't be too sad when you come home and see the formula samples that came in the mail today."
He's sweet.
This is what this blog is about. The rollercoaster of emotions. There are days I am still so sad about Charlie. I guess that's not true. I wouldn't say there are whole days anymore, but moments definitely. And the thing is, I have plenty of people to talk to, but I feel like I would be talking to them all the time, and people would get sick of me. I can't keep it bottled up though. Maybe I'm just writing these posts, and I'll never publish them. Who knows.
The joy on people's faces though when they hear the news of Peanut, (this is Baby #2's nickname) is amazing though. I hope I look as joyful when I am telling them.