
Sorry for being MIA, friends.

Here's a couple things to catch ya'll up. 

I had my appointment with Maternal Fetal Medicine to do the genetic testing. I opted to do the cell free DNA testing, but then I wanted to make sure it was covered by insurance first. So I haven't actually had the blood draw yet. For those of you who don't know what that means, basically the lab tests my blood to see if the baby's DNA is floating around in there. This way they are doing a genetic test right on the baby's cells to find out is it is positive for any of the trisomies, like Down Syndrome. I still also had the ultrasound to measure the neck, which had good results. My doctor said any measurement of the neck >3.0mm has risk. Here's what The American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology says about genetic testing in pregnancy.

I was less nervous for this appointment. In fact, once I was there, it was pretty magical. There was a heartbeat. 162 beats/min. 

Peanut wasn't in the right position at first, but he or she was bouncing all around, feet and hands flying. Of course I cried. I got some good pictures though. 

I scheduled the anatomy ultrasound, I'll be 20 weeks then. Halfway. Gosh, I hope we make it there, Peanut. 


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